I'm using Windows 8.1 which doesn't have a tool (with a GUI) to manage wifi network profiles. So I'm writing one which will help me. I did some googling and found Managed Wifi API, and with the help of a tutorial I managed to put this code together:
foreach (WlanClient.WlanInterface wlanIface in client.Interfaces)
foreach (Wlan.WlanProfileInfo profileInfo in wlanIface.GetProfiles())
string profileName = profileInfo.profileName;
ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(profileName);
string profileXML = wlanIface.GetProfileXml(profileInfo.profileName);
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
var NSManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable);
NSManager.AddNamespace("d", "http://www.microsoft.com/networking/WLAN/profile/v1");
XmlNode node = doc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("//d:WLANProfile/d:MSM/d:security/d:authEncryption/d:authentication", NSManager);
Getting the list of saved network profiles and printing them on a ListView. I have two problems. One is how to get the full profile information using Managed Wifi API? Because the only thing I can get is the profile name. There is no documentation in the site.
The second problem is, since I can't get the full network information using the API, I used the API to print the profile info in XML format and then parse the XML and read it. An example XML:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<WLANProfile xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/networking/WLAN/profile/v1">
<name>MEDO PUB</name>
<name>MEDO PUB</name>
I need to get the wifi password but I think it is encrypted. How can I get the actual password or decode the encrypted password?
Update: I found two links: Exposing the WiFi Password Secrets and [C++] Dump wireless passwords but I'm not sure if they work, or rather how to implement them in C#.
As I mentioned in a comment, you can do this with
netsh wlan show profiles
netsh wlan show profile "<a profile from the last step>" key=clear
If you still want to do this in code, read on:
The managed WiFi API you are using doesn't have this function, but you can add it easily.
Modify the WlanProfileFlags enum in Interop.cs to this:
public enum WlanProfileFlags
/// <remarks>
/// The only option available on Windows XP SP2.
/// </remarks>
AllUser = 0,
GroupPolicy = 1,
User = 2,
GetPlaintextKey = 4
Add this function to the WlanApi.cs file, probably near the GetProfileXml function (for organization's sake).
/// <summary>
/// Gets the profile's XML specification. Key is unencrypted.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="profileName">The name of the profile.</param>
/// <returns>The XML document.</returns>
public string GetProfileXmlUnencrypted(string profileName)
IntPtr profileXmlPtr;
Wlan.WlanProfileFlags flags = Wlan.WlanProfileFlags.GetPlaintextKey;
Wlan.WlanAccess access;
Wlan.WlanGetProfile(client.clientHandle, info.interfaceGuid, profileName, IntPtr.Zero, out profileXmlPtr, out flags, out access));
return Marshal.PtrToStringUni(profileXmlPtr);
You can call this function to get the unencrypted key.
I haven't tested this but it should work. Let me know if you have any questions.