Is it just a matter of asking them to add the s_code on their conversion page and send to our Is there an issue with sessions etc when there are pages on their domain in between the conversion event that does not have the s_code?
So for example
User clicks "browse inventor" on
User clicks a link going to, adds products to the shopping cart
Is it enough to add the s_code on to fire an event? Is there an issue with getting this event tied to the original session?
I would like to be able to see in my original report (the one for if a user converted or not on (but I don't need to see any deeper information on
Yes. You can track cross-domain activity in Adobe Analytics by doing the following:
Add s_code to any pages you'd like to track on
Make sure s_account is set to the same report suite ID in both files
Configure the "Internal URL Filters" for your report suite to reflect both AND (within the Admin Console)
Set s.linkInternalFilters in the s_code to include both and if you do not want to see link clicks between the sites as exits.
Because you have now included as part of the report suite URL filters, Adobe Analytics will see movement as part of the same visit.
As a side note, if you're loading DTM (instead of legacy s_code) the same configuration would apply but everything can be configured in the DTM UI - except the change to the Internal URL Filters.
Hope this helps.