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How do I write a palindrome program while using different lists?

I tried to write a palindrome program by using lists. However, I have to use difference lists and output should be:

The ith element of the list is the same of (n-i+1)th element of the list and n is the length of the list. For example, [a,X,c,b,Y] should give X = b and Y = a.

So far I have implemented:

% length of the list 
len([], 0).
len([H|T], B) :-
   len(T, NT),
   B is NT + 1.

% return the ith element of the list 
match([H|_], 0, H) :-
match([_|T], N, H) :-
   N > 0,
   N1 is N-1,
   match(T, N1, H).

How do I complete this?


  • Use definite clause grammars!

    DCG, a major Prolog feature, makes using difference lists easy—enabling you to write concise and efficient code with little effort!

    Want to know more? Just follow the dots:

    Without any further ado, let's get to the code:

    palindrome --> [].
    palindrome --> [_].
    palindrome --> [X], palindrome, [X].
    % Alternatively, we could also use the following more compact definition:
    palindrome --> [] | [_] | [X], palindrome, [X].

    Done. Let's run a few queries! First, the query the OP gave:

    ?- phrase(palindrome, [a,X,c,b,Y]).
       X = b, Y = a
    ;  false.

    In German, "corn" is called "mais". If we put "siam" (the old name of "the Kingdom of Thailand") in front, we get a delicious palindrome:

    ?- set_prolog_flag(double_quotes, chars).
    ?- phrase(palindrome, "siammais").
    ;  false.
    ?- phrase(palindrome, "siamais").       % or kick one middle 'm' character
       true                                 % ... for an odd-length palindrome
    ;  false.

    At last, let's not forget about the most general query:

    ?- phrase(palindrome, Xs).
       Xs = []
    ;  Xs = [_A]
    ;  Xs = [_A,_A]
    ;  Xs = [_A,_B,_A]
    ;  Xs = [_A,_B,_B,_A]
    ;  Xs = [_A,_B,_C,_B,_A]

    On the we can use the built-in Prolog predicate listing/1 to peek at the code the DCG was "translated" to—at this level the internal use of becomes apparent:

    ?- listing(palindrome//0).
    palindrome(A, A).
    palindrome([_|A], A).
    palindrome([C|A], D) :-
        palindrome(A, B),
        B = [C|D].