Actually I have 2 questions, both in SQL Server.
There's a query like "Create Table" but for Create columns? If it exist, please, how it is?
I need to use a "Create Table" but using parameters, but I don't know if that is possible. For example:
@table_name string, @column_name1 int, @column_name2 int, @column_name3 int CREATE TABLE @table_name ( @column_name1, @column_name2, @column_name3 .... );
Obviously that's only what I have in mind and doesn't work. There is a right way to do it?
I appreciate your help!
For #1, use ALTER TABLE command.
For #2, how are you executing the query? You can create a string variable first with the complete command and table name as parameter and then execute the query. Something like:
declare @ CustomerID int
set @ CustomerID = 3262833
declare @sql nvarchar(1000)
set @sql = N'SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Customers] AS [tbCustomers] WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE tbCustomers.ID = '+ + cast(@CustomerID as nvarchar(10))
exec (@sql)