I have just revised my question. Actually i wan to create an empty txt/.sql file in TFS 2008 Source Control server at designated directory/folder where developers can add sql script for their part of development.
I need this file to be created automatically each time our nightly build script runs. I have created directories or folders using MakeDir task as shown below:
<MakeDir Directories="$(DropLocation)\Output\x86\" />
I was wondering if some task were available that could help me create an empty file in TFS. I dont want to use the EXEC command but rather a standard task.
If there is something available in MSBuild Extension Pack or SDC for this purpose then please do share so.
Hi all,
I want to create and plan text file in source control at a designated path on a nightly basis when my script runs to create a nighly build. How can i create new plain text files anywhere in the source controil using TFSBuild.proj scrip/ msbuild script.
Help is much appreciated.
Thanks all.
Actually i needed a way via MSBuild/Team Build Tasks. Like we can create using , similarly i am looking for a task that can be invoked via some standard task from msbuild or team build script (tfsbuild.pro).
Could you call the tf.exe
command line tool?
tf add file
will added file
to source control (in the TFS folder corresponding to the current Windows folder, relative paths work), and then
tf checkin /noprompt
to checkin (the /noprompt
in needed to avoid getting the checkin dialogue).
See tf help
and tf help command
for more help.