I set the image size as 1024*768
in gnuplot.
set terminal png size 1024,768
In order to put it in IEEEtran latex, I have to scale down.
\caption{Simulation Results}
However, the font size is quite small.
BTW, the format of figures for IEEEtran is: \includegraphics[width=2.5in]{myfigure}
@Christoph I generate the figure using set terminal pdfcairo size 2.5in,2.5in font ',8'
as you mentioned. However, the figure is very ugly.
Don't use a pixel graphic for a publication, but rather a vector format like pdf!
There you just give the physical size which your final image should have. Then you don't need to scale the image and it will appear exactly like you prepared it:
set terminal pdfcairo size 2.5in,1.875in font ',8'
And then include it with
Maybe you must tweak the margins a little bit to use as much of the space as possible.