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Is there something similar to angular $rootScope in Polymer.dart?

I know that in angular exists something called $rootScope. This one contains variables that are going to be shared by all the controllers. I'm looking for something similar for Polymer, so that I don't need to pass a parent variable as attributes always.

Right now I'm doing something similar to this:

index html code:

  <my-parent-component some-attribute="hello"></my-parent-component>

parent html code:

    <p>someAttribuet could be used by parent: {{someAttribute}}</p>
    <my-child-component some-attribute="{{someAttribute}}"></my-child>

parent dart code:

class MyParentComponent extends PolymerElement {
  @published var someAttribute;

child html code:

    <p>some Attribute used here: {{someAttribute}}</p>

child dart code:

class MyChildComponent extends PolymerElement {
  @published var someAttribute;

In other words, I'm passing the attribute all the way down from the top parent until the lowest child. I think this is not good and I would like to do it with something similar to $rootScope in angular.


  • Polymer doesn't have a root scope. In Polymer there is just the element and maybe parent elements or child elements you can reference in your expression. A more generic solution are global variables or a globals element like explained here