Is there any way or tutorials where I can:
I am trying to compile a list of all of the drivers installed in the computer and mainly list all of the files related to the driver (exe, sys, dll and etc.) along with file version. Please see attached picture.
I tried to use Wmi-Object (Powershell) and DevCon tool, but can get those files to be listed.
Using Powershell, I am able to list the driver name, but only file appears.
# Script to output all of the drivers installed in the computer
# Export all driver names to a text file
Get-WmiObject win32_SystemDriver | select name | foreach {$} | Out-File C:\driverName.csv
# Read driver name from file.
$driver = Get-Content "C:\driverName.csv"
# Get the file path of the driver
$path = (Get-WmiObject win32_SystemDriver | Where-Object name -match $driverName).PathName
# Extract information from the file path and export it to CSV
(Get-Item $path).VersionInfo | Select FileDescription, ProductVersion, FileVersion, FileName | Export-Csv -Path C:\FileVersion.csv
User DevCon utility to list information about all of the drivers installed in the computer.
devcon.exe driverfiles *