Tried mixing some jQuery but everything is based on appending, something I don't wanna use because i'm trying to base my design completely on binding and stamping templates and elements. I tried using scrollTop in various ways but I always ended up being depended on what's appended on the local DOM. If i'm not mistaken, dom-repeat has nothing to do with appending, but with creating the same stamp and bind it multiple times (correct me if i'm wrong, I started looking into Polymer 1 recently).
I only found this one good example of using infinite scroll over a repeating template but unfortunately it's not what i'm looking for as I'm mixing iron-ajax parsing data into my template. Simulating chadliu23's example lead me into a silly middle step of creating an extra array and pushing data from ajax into it, but it is totally something I don't want to do cause it's messing with my repeatable template restamping. Also realized that there are ways to create infinite scrolling-ish effects with css but can't figure out any other way to implement this but in sets of images.
Meanwhile, sadly, it seems like iron-list is nowhere near ready yet and I can't find any way to use the concept idea of core-list into polymer 1.0.
So..... Any suggestions on the table?
I think you need an item-page
<dom-module id="item-page">
<iron-ajax id="ajax"
<template is="dom-repeat" items="{{pageData}}" as="item">
<!-- Compose your list of items for this page here -->
"use strict";
is: 'item-page',
properties: {
page: {
type: Number,
observer: '_updatePage(page)'
_updatePage: function(page) {
Then, to create an infinitely scrolling list:
<template is="dom-repeat" items="{{pages}}" as="page">
<item-page page="{{page}}"></item-page>
It's important that in your item-page
component the iron-ajax
does not have auto
set, because the page
property will initially be set to undefined
. Instead, you should observe page
and act accordingly only once it's updated to something other than undefined