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Why does SAS ask me to save my excel file on every run?

I am using SAS ODS statement to create excel files in a program like so:

ods listing close;
ods tagsets.excelxp file='filters.xls' style=statistical
  options(autofilter='2-7' frozen_headers = '3' index='yes' sheet_name='triangle' embedded_titles='yes');
  title "Accumulated Triangle Table";

proc print data=TriangleSist; run;

ods tagsets.excelxp close;
ods listing;

However, when I run this program, SAS asks me whether I want to save the excel file each time I run it with a pop-up dialog. How can I get it to stop doing that?


  • The popup would be showing in case of using PC SAS. This is happening due to certain Results setting setup on the PC SAS. Try going to Tools -> Options->Preferences -> Results tab. In the Result tab under Results options section uncheck "view results as they are generated". This should stop the popup for open/save/cancel to show up and the excel file would save on the folder location mentioned in the file= options.