I'm creating a Windows Phone 8 app (Store apps) in which I will have some links for the user to open other apps. My goal is to hide or show only the links for which I have apps that can handle them.
For instance, I have a link for
and another for
So, if I have an app that can handle the mymoneyapp
scheme I want the link to show if not then I hide it.
The only why I found to test this is using
LauncherOptions options = LauncherOptions();
options.FallbackUri = new Uri("http://myfallbackpage.com");
Launcher.LauncherUriAsync(new Uri("mymoneyapp://user=123"), options);
But in this case I get my fallback Uri launched if no app can handle that schema. Is there any way just to test if an app can launch it without actually do it?
There is no API for this on Windows Phone 8. Windows 10 adds Launcher.QueryUriSupportAsync to allow checking if there is a handler before launching it.