I have a repository in Bitbucket
. In that repository i have project called Demo
Which is a maven
project. I am trying to deploy Demo
with Jenkins
Steps I am following.
Configure(This is the configuration for the individual jobs).
Project name:Demo.
Description:bla bla bla..
Source Code Management -> Git -> Repository URL :git@bitbucket.org:UserName/ProjectName.git.
->Credentials: provided my credential.
Build-> Root POM : pom.xml
Everything looks fine but pom.xml throwing error saying :
Since this is the maven project it is looking for pom.xml, and I am confuse while providing the path. since Jenkins is pooling source from Bitbucket, which have pom.xml under Demo project.
But I do not know which path to provide here.
You have to mention the path of your application's pom.xml in relation to jenkins work space.
Once Jenkins build starts it will download the source code to .jenkins\jobs\yourjobname\workspace and builds it there, you can check this location if you are not sure of the pom path.
E.g For an application Test .jenkins\jobs\jenkinsJobName\workspace\Test\pom.xml
The root pom field should be Test\pom.xml