I am using Spree to build an e-commerce application.I have created one model Offer(Spree::Offer) . I have created one role seller,and I am trying to give seller access to view,update and manage this model(Offer) in the admin panel using the following code
if user.respond_to?(:has_spree_role?) and user.has_spree_role?('supplier') > can :manage,Offer
But when I login as seller,I am unable to see Offers Tab in the Admin Panel But,when I login as admin ,I am able to see Offers Tab.Admin has following access
can :manage,:all
I am new to rails, Should I do anything prior, to get the desired result
You need to define the ability like this as the offer model is under the spree module then and then you can access the Spree::Offer recourse.
if user.respond_to?(:has_spree_role?) and user.has_spree_role?('supplier')
can :manage, Spree::Offer