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How do I generate the GitHub OAuth token for organization accounts?

I have created an organization on GitHub. My organization has some repos. These repos have API documentation that I would like to re-build and publish to gh-pages branch via Travis-CI. In order to give Travis-CI access to my organization's repos I need to generate an OAuth token, encrypt it, and then add then include the encypted token in the .travis.yml file as follows...

  - secure: "lots-of-seemingly-random-characters"

This SO post explains the process and provides the details on how to do this for user accounts. How do I generate the required OAuth token for organization accounts?


  • That's not possible currently, you can only create tokens for user accounts since user accounts have permissions associated with them (organizations don't). So, you'd need to create a token with an account which has access to the repository in question and give that to Travis. You can also create a machine account for that purpose.