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How to efficiently use RestTemplate in multithreading application?

I am using RestTemplate as my HttpClient in one of my library. I am not sure whether I am using it correctly in multithreading environment as my library will be used under very heavy load in multithreading environment so it has to be very fast.

Below is my DataClient class:

public class DataClient implements Client {

    private RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate(clientHttpRequestFactory());
    private ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10);

    // for synchronous call
    public DataResponse executeSync(DataKey key) {
        DataResponse dataResponse = null;
        Future<DataResponse> future = null;

        try {
            future = executeAsync(key);
            dataResponse = future.get(key.getTimeout(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
        } catch (TimeoutException ex) {
            dataResponse = new DataResponse(null, DataErrorEnum.TIMEOUT, DataStatusEnum.ERROR);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            dataResponse = new DataResponse(null, DataErrorEnum.CLIENT_ERROR, DataStatusEnum.ERROR);

        return dataResponse;

    //for asynchronous call
    public Future<DataResponse> executeAsync(DataKey key) {
        Future<DataResponse> future = null;
        Task task = new Task(key, restTemplate);
        future = executor.submit(task);

        return future;

    // does this looks right?
    private ClientHttpRequestFactory clientHttpRequestFactory() {
        HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory requestFactory = new HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory();
        // setting 2000 ms as the default timeout for each Http Request
        RequestConfig requestConfig = RequestConfig.custom().setConnectionRequestTimeout(2000).setConnectTimeout(2000)
        SocketConfig socketConfig = SocketConfig.custom().setSoKeepAlive(true).setTcpNoDelay(true).build();

        PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager poolingHttpClientConnectionManager = new PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager();

        CloseableHttpClient httpClientBuilder = HttpClientBuilder.create()

        return requestFactory;

Simple class which will perform the actual task:

public class Task implements Callable<DataResponse> {

    private final DataKey key;
    private final RestTemplate restTemplate;

    public Task(DataKey key, RestTemplate restTemplate) {
        this.key = key;
        this.restTemplate = restTemplate;

    public DataResponse call() {
        DataResponse dataResponse = null;
        String response = null;

        try {
            String url = createURL();
            response = restTemplate.getForObject(url, String.class);

            dataResponse = new DataResponse(response, DataErrorEnum.OK, DataStatusEnum.SUCCESS);
        } catch (RestClientException ex) {
            dataResponse = new DataResponse(null, DataErrorEnum.SERVER_DOWN, DataStatusEnum.ERROR);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            dataResponse = new DataResponse(null, DataErrorEnum.CLIENT_ERROR, DataStatusEnum.ERROR);

        return dataResponse;

And below is my factory which I am using to create a single instance of DataClient which means, it will also have single instance of RestTemplate.

public class DataClientFactory {

    private DataClientFactory() {}

    private static class ClientHolder {
        private static final DataClient INSTANCE = new DataClient();

    public static Client getInstance() {
        return ClientHolder.INSTANCE;

And this is the way I will make a call to get the data:

DataResponse response = DataClientFactory.getInstance().executeSync(dataKey);

Now my question is - I am not sure whether I am using RestTemplate correctly with HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory. Do I need PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager here along with RestTemplate at all or not?

My main goal is to use RestTemplate efficiently in multithreading environment. As my library will be used under very heavy load so it has to be very fast. As under heavy load, I was seeing lot of TIME_WAIT connections so that's why I added clientHttpRequestFactory() method to use with RestTemplate.


  • RestTemplate is thread safe in Spring. So what you may want to do is create only one instance of RestTemplate in your application and share it across multiple threads. This is of course assuming that you will use the same HTTP properties(like timeout,set alive etc) for all. In case you need to change the connection properties you can create a pool at app start of RestTemplate objects and use this to inject the RestTemplate instance to the caller class.