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flask admin custom QueryAjaxModelLoader

From what I understand, Flask Admin supports AJAX use for foreign key model loading. The Flask Admin - Model Documentation covers the basics under the heading form_ajax_refs. I have managed to use this successfully on many occasions, however I am having issues with the level of customisation that I hope to achieve. Let me elaborate.

I have a Product model, an Organisation model and a join table to relate them, defined as so:

class Product(Base):
    __tablename__ = "products"

    product_uuid = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), primary_key=True)
    title = Column(String, nullable=False)
    description = Column(String, nullable=False)
    last_seen = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), nullable=False, index=True)
    price = Column(Numeric(precision=7, scale=2), nullable=False, index=True)

class Organisation(Base):
    __tablename__ = "organisations"
    org_id = Column(String, primary_key=True)
    org_name = Column(String, nullable=False)
    products = relationship(

organisation_products_table = Table(
    Column("org_id", String, ForeignKey("organisations.org_id"), nullable=False),
    Column("product_uuid", UUID(as_uuid=True), ForeignKey("products.product_uuid"), nullable=False),
    UniqueConstraint("org_id", "product_uuid"),

In a Flask Admin Model view of a model called CuratedList that has a foreign key constraint to the Product model, I am using form_ajax_refs in the form create view, to allow selection of dynamically loaded Product items.

form_ajax_refs = {"products": {"fields": (Product.title,)}}

This works nicely to show me ALL rows of the Product model.

My current requirement, however, is to only use the AJAX model loader to show products with a specific org_id, for example "Google".

Attempt No. 1

Override get_query function of the ModelView class to join on organisation_products_table and filter by org_id. This looks something like this:

def get_query(self):
    return (
            curated_list_items_table.c.list_uuid == CuratedList.list_uuid
            Product.product_uuid == curated_list_items_table.c.product_uuid
            organisation_products_table.c.product_uuid == Product.product_uuid
        .filter(CuratedList.org_id == "Google")
        .filter(organisation_products_table.c.org_id == "Google")

Unfortunately, this does not solve the issue, and returns the same behaviour as:

def get_query(self):
    return (
        .filter(CuratedList.org_id == self._org_id)

It does not affect the behaviour of form_ajax_refs.

Attempt No.2

The Flask Admin - Model Documentation mentions another way of using form_ajax_refs, which involves using the QueryAjaxModelLoader class.

In my second attempt, I subclass the QueryAjaxModelLoader class and try to override the values of it's model, session or fields variables. Something like this:

class ProductAjaxModelLoader(QueryAjaxModelLoader):
    def __init__(self, name, session, model, **options):
        super(ProductAjaxModelLoader, self).__init__(name, session, model, **options)

        fields = (
            .filter(organisation_products_table.c.org_id == "Google")

        self.fields = fields
        self.model = model
        self.session = session

And then instead of the previous form_ajax_refs approach, I use my new AjaxModelLoader like so:

form_ajax_refs = {
    "products": ProductAjaxModelLoader(
        "products", db.session, Product, fields=['title']

Unfortunately, whether overriding the values of session or model with my query returns no products from the AJAX loader, and overriding fields still returns all products; not just products of org_id "Google".

What I Hope to Not Resort to

I would like to be able to achieve this without having to create a new model for each org, as this will prove to be non-scalable and of bad design.

Any suggestions welcomed. Thanks.


  • Thanks to Joes comment to my original question, I have formulated a working solution:

    Override AjaxModelLoader function get_list like so:

    def get_list(self, term, offset=0, limit=DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE):
        filters = list(
            field.ilike(u'%%%s%%' % term) for field in self._cached_fields
        filters.append(Organisation.org_id == "Google")
        return (