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C++ operator ->* and .*

Good day,

I've come across this question, but I'm specifically interested in the "object pointed to by member ..." type operators as listed here on Wikipedia.

I have never seen this in the context of actual code, so the concept appears somewhat esoteric to me.

My intuition says they should be used as follows:

struct A
    int *p;

int main()
        A *a = new A();
        a->p = new int(0);
        // if this did compile, how would it be different from *a->p=5; ??
        a->*p = 5;

        A a;
        a.p = new int(0);
        // if this did compile, how would it be different from *a.p=5; ??
        a.*p = 5;

    return 0;

But this doesn't compile because p is undeclared. (See example)

Could anyone please provide a real-world example of the use of operator->* and/or .* in C++?


  • Those operators are used for pointer-to-member objects. You won't come across them very often. They can be used to specify what function or member data to use for a given algorithm operating on A objects, for instance.

    Basic syntax:

    #include <iostream>
    struct A
        int i;
        int geti() {return i;}
    int main()
            A a;
            int A::*ai_ptr = &A::i; //pointer to member data
            std::cout << a.*ai_ptr; //access through p-t-m
            A* a = new A{};
            int (A::*ai_func)() = &A::geti; //pointer to member function
            std::cout << (a->*ai_func)(); //access through p-t-m-f
        return 0;