i am using some kind of angular filter of a table and i need to verify if results from filter is correct.
I already work with this table before, where I click on element:
element.all(by.xpath('.//td[.="89" and @class="ultranarrow ng-binding"]')).click();
this basicly click on element where <td>
have value 89. I need to verify that this number is still there after I enter for example number 8 to filter So i write this:
expect(element.all(by.xpath('.//td[.="89" and @class="ultranarrow ng-binding"]')).isPresent()).toBe(true);
Unfortunately I get an error:
Object [object Object] has no method 'isPresent'
I didn't find any other method how to verify if something exist, is there some problem in syntax or is there any other method which can replace isPresent?
is available only for ElementFinder
, not for ElementArrayFinder
, so you should not call it after you've used all
expect(element(by.xpath('.//td[.="89" and @class="ultranarrow ng-binding"]')).isPresent()).toBe(true);
If you really want to use all
, try with count()
expect(element.all(by.xpath('.//td[.="89" and @class="ultranarrow ng-binding"]')).count()).toBe(1);