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EZaudio execute in Background

I tried.

__block UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier task=0;
task=[application beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler:^{
    NSLog(@"Expiration handler called %f",[application backgroundTimeRemaining]);
    [application endBackgroundTask:task];

I want to display waveform when I record the audio.I have use the EZAudio class but it will crash when I press HOME button or Lock Screen. How can I run the app in background please help me.


  • Just i have used EZAudioPlot change to EZAudioPlotGL. select EZAudioPlotGL view change only class name of view goto identity inspector and change it EZAudioPlot. after that

    @property (nonatomic,weak) IBOutlet EZAudioPlotGL *audioPlot;

    Change it

    @property (nonatomic,weak) IBOutlet EZAudioPlot *audioPlot;

    its work fine.