I would like convert this date:09/13/1436 (it is Hijiri) to 2015-06-30(it is Gregorian). I tried that:
function HijriToJD($m, $d, $y){
return (int)((11 * $y + 3) / 30) + 354 * $y +
30 * $m - (int)(($m - 1) / 2) + $d + 1948440 - 385;
$date = HijriToJD(09, 13, 1436);
echo jdtogregorian($date);
and when i made compile i got 10/7/2014. Someone have any idea??
Passing 09
as the month is the problem.... a number with a leading zero is treated as octal in PHP. 09
is invalid octal, so it is treated as a 0
$r=HijriToJD(9, 13, 1436);
(without the leading zero for the month) should give you a correct result