I am trying to adjust the colour scale of a geom_tile
A short version of my data (in data.frame
format) is:
mydat <-
Sc K n minC
A 2 1 NA
A 2 2 37.453023
A 2 3 23.768316
A 2 4 17.628376
A 3 1 NA
A 3 2 12.693124
A 3 3 8.884226
A 3 4 7.436250
A 10 1 2.128121
A 10 2 2.116539
A 10 3 2.737923
A 10 4 3.509773
A 20 1 1.104592
A 20 2 1.840195
A 20 3 2.717198
A 20 4 3.616501
B 2 1 NA
B 2 2 25.090085
B 2 3 15.924186
B 2 4 11.811022
B 3 1 NA
B 3 2 8.827183
B 3 3 6.179484
B 3 4 5.175331
B 10 1 2.096934
B 10 2 2.064984
B 10 3 2.662373
B 10 4 3.407246
B 20 1 1.096871
B 20 2 1.802418
B 20 3 2.649153
B 20 4 3.517776
My code to prepare the data to plot is the following:
mydat$Sc <- factor(mydat$Sc, levels =c("A", "B"))
mydat$K <- factor(mydat$K, levels =c("2", "3","10","20"))
mydat.m <- melt(pmydat,id.vars=c("Sc","K","n"), measure.vars=c("minC"))
I want to plot with geom_tile
the value of minC
with K
and n
as axis and different facets for Sc
with the following:
mydat.m.p <- ggplot(mydat.m, aes(x=n, y=K))
mydat.m.p +
geom_tile(data=mydat.m, aes(fill=value)) +
scale_fill_gradient(low="palegreen", high="lightcoral") +
facet_wrap(~ Sc, ncol=2)
This gives me a plot for each Sc
factor. However, the colour scale does not reflect want I want to portray, because a few high values making low values all equal.
I want to adjust to a relevant scale in 4 breaks, i.e., 1-2, 2-3, 3-5, >5.
Looking at other questions there was a suggestion to use the cut
function and scale fill manual as:
mydat.m$value1 <- cut(mydat.m$value, breaks = c(1:5, Inf), right = FALSE)
Then use the following in geom_tile
scale_fill_manual(breaks = c("\[1,2)", "\[2, 3)", "\[3, 5)", "\[5, Inf)"),
values = c("darkgreen", "palegreen", "lightcoral", "red"))
However, I am not sure how this can be applied to a data.frame
with other factors and in long format.
You're almost there. Simply use cut
before melting:
mydat$minC.cut <- cut(mydat$minC, breaks = c(1:3, 5, Inf), right = FALSE)
mydat.cut <- melt(mydat, id.vars=c("Sc", "K", "n"), measure.vars=c("minC.cut"))
Now, you don't need to specify breaks
since we took care of that already.
ggplot(mydat.cut, aes(x=n, y=K)) +
geom_tile(aes(fill=value)) +
facet_wrap(~ Sc, ncol=2) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("darkgreen", "palegreen", "lightcoral", "red"))