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How can I use clj-http in riemann.config

I use riemann and now I write my riemann.config.

I want to use clj-http post all events from riemann stream to my web server. But I don't know how to import clj-http from riemann.jar.

I code (:use clj-http.client) or (:require [clj-http.client :as client]) in riemann.config but got error:

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: clj-http.client

Could anyone help me ?


  • I did something similar few months ago and this was working for me. I was using http-kit :

    (require '[org.httpkit.client :as http])

    Since both http-kit and cli-http are available in riemann ( see ) You should be able to require cli-http the same way :

    (require '[clj-http.client :as client])

    Problem in your configuration is that you are using (:use ... an (:require .... which is supposed to be used within the namespace declaration. Since riemann.config doesn't contain namespace declaration you can't use these forms. When calling

    (:use clj-http.client)

    you get ClassNotFoundException because clojure is trying to invoke function :use on clj-http.client , which can't be found. Outside the namespace declaration :use is just a standard keyword with no special meaning.