I have a question concerning the key bindings. I have the following Java code:
private void registerPressedReleasedKey(String keyChar, boolean key, boolean pressedKey) {
// 1. decide if the key is pressed or released
// 2. save key and its action name
// 3. decide, what to do, when the action name is being mentioned
// 4. change the boolean value in actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
String keyStatus;
if(pressedKey == true)
keyStatus = "pressed ";
keyStatus = "released ";
getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW).put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(keyStatus + keyChar), keyStatus + keyChar);
getActionMap().put(keyStatus + keyChar, new AbstractAction() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
key = pressedKey;
Eclipse says to me that key = keyPressed;
is wrong, because I only can use final
variables. My question is if there is a possibility to access and change key
inside the actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
It is impossible to modify external variables in an anonymous class the way you are trying to since these must be final.
If this was a field of your class, you could use access it directly (in Java > 7) or use an accessor (setter). Since it is not, the way to go would be to use a wrapper: final
means you cannot assign a new value, but you can still call its methods and any accessor is basically a method.
I assume your code is incomplete, as in this example, you try to set the variable key
, which is not used anywhere.
However, assigning a new value to a parameter is generally a bad practice.
Moreover, getActionMap()
& AbstractAction
suggest that a Swing component is being used, which means that actionPerformed() will get called by Swing thread, probably even after registerPressedReleaseKey()
has finished. As a consequence, updating a parameter for this method makes no sense.