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What is the best way to check if a tuple has any empty/None values in Python?

What is the best/most efficient way to check if all tuple values? Do I need to iterate over all tuple items and check or is there some even better way?

For example:

t1 = (1, 2, 'abc')
t2 = ('', 2, 3)
t3 = (0.0, 3, 5)
t4 = (4, 3, None)

Checking these tuples, every tuple except t1, should return True, meaning there is so called empty value.

P.S. there is this question: Test if tuple contains only None values with Python, but is it only about None values


  • It's very easy:

    not all(t1)

    returns False only if all values in t1 are non-empty/nonzero and not None. all short-circuits, so it only has to check the elements up to the first empty one, which makes it very fast.