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NSTimer to scroll UITableView is slow

I'm using NSTimer to fire a method that scrolls UITableView

self.timer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0.1 

    [self.row1TableView setContentOffset:CGPointMake(self.row1TableView.contentOffset.x, self.row1TableView.contentOffset.y - 50) animated:YES]; 

Problem is that the scrolling seems slow. It's closer to 1 second than .1 seconds in the interval.

What's the problem?


  • As far as I know, you can not change the default animation duration of setContentOffset:animated:. But what you can do is, setup a Core Animation display link (CADisplayLink - you can search for code samples on how to set up, but it is quite straight-forward. The class documentation should be a good place to start) and it will fire every frame, calling back a method you provide.

    Inside that callback method, you can calculate how much you want to scroll your table view (how many points per frame), and call setContentOffset:animated: with the second parameter set to NO (immediate scrolling). You should implement some sort of easing to achieve better results.

    Note: The reason for using CADisplayLink instead of NSTimer is, it is more reliable. It is what you would use in games before SpriteKit was available.

    Addendum: This blog post has some sample code on how to setup the display link and the respective callback method.

    Addendum 2: You can setup an instance variable to act as a "counter", and increment it by the ammount of time ellapsed since last frame, within each call of your callback (use properties duration and/or frameInterval). Once the counter reaches a critical value (that is, the animation has run for enough time) you can stop the display link update by calling the method:

    -[CADisplayLink invalidate].