I defined a function which returns the derivative of either a symbolic expression or a function handle (plus a few more).
function df = der(f)
if isa(f, 'cfit') || isa(f, 'sfit')
df = @(x) differentiate(f, x);
elseif isa(f, 'sym') || isa(f, 'function_handle')
syms r
F = sym(f);
df = matlabFunction(diff(F), 'Vars', r);
error('Not a derivative of a known type')
It works well however when I feed in a line, I get something which does not produce arrays.
>> df = der(@(r) r)
df =
>> df([1,2,3])
ans =
Is there anyway to catch whether the output function is a constant and change the output so the behavior is,
>> df = der(@(r) r)
df =
>> df([1,2,3])
ans =
1 1 1
Here's one solution.
function df = der(f)
if isa(f, 'cfit') || isa(f, 'sfit')
df = @(x) differentiate(f, x);
elseif isa(f, 'sym') || isa(f, 'function_handle')
syms r
F = sym(f);
df = matlabFunction(diff(F), 'Vars', r);
% These next four lines have been added:
c = df(ones(1,2));
if length(c) == 1
df = @(x) c*ones(size(x));
error('Not a derivative of a known type')
Evaluating df = der(@(r) 20*r); df([1,2,3])
now gives the output
ans =
20 20 20