I am working on some remoting stuff, and i seem to have an issue with environment variables on the remote machine. The code I am using to start the remote job is
Invoke-Command -sessionOption:(New-PSSessionOption -noMachineProfile) -computerName:$machine -argumentList: $filePath –scriptblock {
param (
& powershell.exe -noProfile -executionpolicy bypass -file $filePath
} -credential:$credential -authentication:CredSSP –asJob -jobName:$machine > $null
and the code I am running remotely is
$fileName = "$([Environment]::UserName).log"
$desktop = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("Desktop")
Write-Host "$desktop\$fileName!"
Now, as I understand it, that last bit of code is actually running on the remote machine, in the context of the user credentials in $credentials. Which I would have expected to result in returning the full path to dummy log file on the user's desktop. However, on the remote machine [Environment]::UserName works fine, but [Environment]::GetFolderPath("Desktop") returns nothing. I have tried all different approaches, with the variable assignment being wrapped in quotes like $fileName, and inline in the Write-Host, etc. All solutions work "locally" but none work on the remote machine, but only the Desktop is an issue. My use case for this remote job is going to require accessing a lot of user special folders, so I am hoping there is something basic here I am missing. otherwise I guess I can just hard code all the paths with $([Environment]::UserName) inlined in the string, but not very elegant when PS offers built in access.
EDIT: Hrm, another bit that seems to work fine locally but not remotely is Balloon Tips. This being my example
$path = Get-Process -id $pid | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path
$balloonTip = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon
$balloonTip.icon = [System.Drawing.Icon]::ExtractAssociatedIcon($path)
$balloonTip.balloonTipIcon = "Info"
$balloonTip.balloonTipText = "Testing, one, two"
$balloonTip.balloonTipTitle = "$([Environment]::UserName)"
$balloonTip.visible = $true
Do not use -NoMachineProfile
-NoMachineProfile <SwitchParameter>
Prevents loading the user's Windows user profile. As a result,
the session might be created faster, but user-specific registry
settings, items such as environment variables, and certificates
are not available in the session.
Your command does not run in interactive user session (try [Environment]::UserInteractive
), so command can not interact with session by showing dialog windows or balloon tips. If you want to execute some command interactively, then you can use task scheduler:
Register-ScheduledTask -TaskName NotepadTask `
-Action (New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute Notepad) `
-Principal (New-ScheduledTaskPrincipal -UserId TestUser -LogonType Interactive)
Start-ScheduledTask -TaskName NotepadTask