I've issues with performance load running Celery with gevent, everything is running on the same core on my VPS.
Here's a screenshot of 4 Celery instance with 20 gevent concurrency each
How to fix this ? What am I doing wrong ?
Here's my first task :
def update_sender():
items = models.Item.objects.filter(active=True).all()
count = items.count()
items = [i.id for i in items]
step = count / settings.WORKERS
for job in list(chunks(items, step)):
Calling the following sub task:
def update_item(items):
for item in items:
i = models.Item.objects.get(id=item)
url = "someurl"
rep = requests.get(url)
jrep = rep.json()
tracker = ItemTracker(i, jrep)
if tracker.skip():
if tracker.method1():
if not tracker.method2():
It's all about doing a lot of HTTP requests and updating database concurrently.
Celery with gevent still only uses a single process, its just starting multiple greenlets inside of the process, but it is still only executing one greenlet at a time. To allow using more than 1 core, you need to start multiple celery processes using something like celery-multi