I have the following code that's supposed to use the oci_fetch_array() function to fill in some arguments for a new link to display on a website, however instead of
" http://website.com/reporttest.php?type=1&mode=1&dis=MECH&unit=3&rfo=20 "
it is outputting
Notice "Mode" and "Dis" are non-existent. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong in the while loop, but I'm not too familiar with PHP to figure out why exactly this is performing the way it is.
<td valign="top" width=12%>
$count = 0;
<table border=1 align="center">
while ($count < $TotalB) {
$row = oci_fetch_array($stid, OCI_NUM);
<td><?= trim($row[1]) ?></td><td><a href="http://website.com/reporttest.php?type=1&mode=<?= urlencode($row[2]) ?>&dis=<?= urlencode(trim($row[1])) ?><?= $endofurl ?>"><?= trim($row[0]) ?></a></td>
$count = $count + trim($row[0]);
Output from rows:
Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => [2] => )
Array ( [0] => 20 [1] => ELEC [2] => )
Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => EPCP [2] => )
Array ( [0] => 4 [1] => EPPG [2] => )
Array ( [0] => 13 [1] => I&C [2] => )
Array ( [0] => 43 [1] => MECH [2] => )
Array ( [0] => 15 [1] => MNTS [2] => )
Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => OPS [2] => )
Array ( [0] => 7 [1] => VLVT [2] => )
Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => WHSE [2] => )
$TotalB defined here:
while ($row = oci_fetch_array($stid, OCI_NUM)) {
if (trim($row[1]) == "") {$TotalB = $row[0];}
else if (trim($row[1]) == 0) {$Total0 = $row[0];}
else if (trim($row[1]) == 1) {$Total1 = $row[0];}
else if (trim($row[1]) == 2) {$Total2 = $row[0];}
else if (trim($row[1]) == 3) {$Total3 = $row[0];}
else if (trim($row[1]) == 4) {$Total4 = $row[0];}
else if (trim($row[1]) == 5) {$Total5 = $row[0];}
else if (trim($row[1]) == 6) {$Total6 = $row[0];}
In this case print $TotalB
outputs 106
try to do away from the inline php with html and also don't forget to close that h2 tag.
$data = array(
array ( 1, "",""),
array ( 20, "ELEC", ""),
Array ( 1, "EPCP", ""),
Array ( 4, "EPPG", ""),
Array ( 13, "I&C", ""),
Array ( 43, "MECH", ""),
Array ( 15, "MNTS", ""),
Array ( 1, "OPS", ""),
Array ( 7, "VLVT", ""),
Array ( 1, "WHSE", "")
$endofurl = "#"; //if you don't set this you get a notice because you call this var, i assume it's the unit=3&rfo=20 bit
// mode will be empty because you set mode=$row[2] and that last key is always empty
foreach ($data as $row){
<td><?= trim($row[1]) ?></td><td><a href="http:website.com/reporttest.php?type=1&mode=<?=urlencode($row[2])?>&dis=<?=urlencode(trim($row[1]))?><?=$endofurl?>"><?=trim($row[0])?></a></td>
<?php } ?>
or you can try without the inline php like so
while ($count < $TotalB) {
$row = oci_fetch_array($stid, OCI_NUM);
<td>'.trim($row[1]).'</td><td><a href="http:website.com/reporttest.php?type=1&mode='.urlencode($row[2]).'&dis='.urlencode(trim($row[1])) . $endofurl.'">'.trim($row[0]).'</a></td>
$count = $count + trim($row[0]);
print '