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Strange behaviour of Scala in pattern matching in case of JSON fields (json4s framework)

I'm trying to traverse JSON and extract information about types of objects in fields:

import org.json4s._
import org.json4s.JsonAST.{JArray, JString, JObject, JInt, JBool, JDouble}
import org.json4s.JsonDSL._
import org.json4s.native.JsonMethods._

def guessTypes(example: JValue): JObject = example match {
case JObject(lst) => JObject( {
  case (f, JObject(nested)) => JField(f, ("type" -> "object") ~ ("properties" -> guessTypes(nested)))
  case (f, JString(s)) => JField(f, "type" -> "string")
  case (f, JInt(num)) => JField(f, "type" -> "integer")
  case (f, JDouble(double)) => JField(f, "type" -> "double")
  case (f, JBool(b)) => JField(f, "type" -> "bool")
  case (f, JArray(jarray: List[JInt])) => JField(f, ("type" -> "array") ~ ("items" -> "integer"))
  case (f, JArray(jarray: List[JString])) => JField(f, ("type" -> "array") ~ ("items" -> "string"))
  case (f, JArray(jarray: List[JObject])) => JField(f, ("type" -> "array") ~ ("items" -> "object")) ~ ("properties" ->{ x => guessTypes(x)}))

In case of:

def example = """
    |  "partners_data": [
    |    {
    |      "info": {
    |        "label": "partner45"
    |      },
    |      "partner_id": "partner45",
    |      "data": {
    |        "field": 24
    |      }
    |    }
    |  ],
    |  "name": "*****(",
    |  "location": [
    |    1,
    |    2
    |  ],
    |  "is_mapped": false

the result is obtained:


This's not appropriate result, because for key "items" in "location" value "integer" is expected.

It looks like Scala can't distinguish anything else except JValue in JArrays. If I replace

case (f, JArray(jarray: List[JInt]))

by last string, for key "items" in "location" value "object" will be obtained, but for the others fields value will be wrong.

How can I get round this peculiarity of scala pattern matching and json4s framework?


  • The last three patterns are essentially the same because of type erasure on the JVM.

    Since a JSON array can contain multiple (Scala/Java/...) types it is difficult to match the type of the elements of the list.

    You could check only the first item of the array :

    case (f, JArray(JString(_) :: tail)) => 
      JField(f, ("type" -> "array") ~ ("items" -> "string"))
    case (f, JArray(jarray @ JObject(_) :: tail)) => 
      JField(f, ("type" -> "array") ~ ("items" -> "object") ~ ("properties" ->

    Or check every item in the array:

    case (f, JArray(list : List[JValue])) if list forall { case JInt(_) => true; case _ => false } => 
      JField(f, ("type" -> "array") ~ ("items" -> "integer"))