I have a system of coupled equations: the hydrostatic equilibrium equation, the mass continuity equation, and an equation of state of the ideal gas. These are, in mathematical grammer,
\frac{dP}{dr}=- \rho*g
,where \rho
is the density and g
is the gravitational acceleration.
\frac{dM}{dr}=4*pi* r^2*\rho
p=\rho* k_B* T/(\mu *m_p)
,where k_B
is boltzmann's constant, \mu
is the mean molecular weight, and m_p
is the proton mass.
I want to solve these coupled equations using the Runge-Kutta numerical technique, and I herein show the python code I have devised to solve this problem:
from scipy.constants import m_p,G,k,pi
from pylab import *
#mu may be changed for different molecular composition:
def g(r_atm, p_atm):
return 4*pi*r_atm**2*mu*m_p*p_atm/(k*T)
def f(r_atm,p_atm, m_atm):
return -mu*m_p*p_atm*G*m_atm/(k*T*r_atm**2)
def rk4_1(g,f, r0, p0,m0, r1, n):
r_atm = [0]*(n + 1)
p_atm = [0]*(n + 1)
m_atm=[0]*(n + 1)
h = (r1 - r0)/n
# h=-20
for i in range(0,10000000):
if p_atm[i]<100000:
k0 = h*g(r_atm[i], p_atm[i])
l0 = h*f(r_atm[i], p_atm[i], m_atm[i])
k1 = h*g(r_atm[i] + 0.5*h, p_atm[i] + 0.5*k0)
l1 = h*f(r_atm[i] + 0.5*h, p_atm[i] + 0.5*l0, m_atm[i]+0.5*k0)
k2 = h*g(r_atm[i] + 0.5*h, p_atm[i] + 0.5*k1)
l2 = h*f(r_atm[i] + 0.5*h, p_atm[i] + 0.5*l1, m_atm[i]+0.5*k1)
k3 = h*g(r_atm[i] + h, p_atm[i] + k2)
l3 = h*f(r_atm[i] + h, p_atm[i] + l2, m_atm[i]+k2)
r_atm[i+1] = r0 + (i+1)*h
p_atm[i+1] = p_atm[i] + (l0 + 2*l1 + 2*l2 + l3)/6
m_atm[i+1] = m_atm[i] + (k0 + 2*k1 + 2*k2 + k3)/6
return h, r_atm, p_atm, m_atm
h, r_atm, p_atm, m_atm = rk4_1(g,f, 6.991e7, 1e-6*1e5, 1.898e27, 2.0e7,10000000) #bar to pascals (*1e5)
for intial conditions for the pressure, p_atm
, radius, r_atm
, and mass, m_atm
, I use the values I have shown in h, r_atm, p_atm, m_atm = rk4_1(g,f, 6.991e7, 1e-6*1e5, 1.898e27, 2.0e7,10000000)
. Notice that I am approaching this boundary-value problem from the upper atmosphere (where the initial conditions are given) and progressing downward in the atmosphere (notice that h is negative). My intention is to evaluate this numerical integration from 10^-1
Pascals to 100000
Pascals. The result I get from running this code is that the pressure simply blows up to ~1e+123
in three steps, so there is obviously something terribly wrong streaming about, but it would help to have another eye or perspective, for this is the first time I am performing Runga-Kutta methodology.
As Wolph says, dividing by n
might simply give you h=0
, depending on which version of Python you're using. If you're using 2.x, you should include from __future__ import division
in the beginning, or handle the division in some other way (e.g., divide by float(n)
). (Oh, and I guess perhaps you also intended to use n
in your loop, rather than hard-coding range(0,10000000)
? And there are a couple of indentation errors in the code as it stands, but I guess that's just from posting it here.)
This doesn't seem to be the main problem, though. You say you get a high pressure early; when I run it, it gets really low? Even with proper divisions, I get p_atm[3] = -2.27e+97
, and from that, I start getting infinities (inf
and -inf
) and nan
It's hard, without knowing the specific problem better, to see if there's an error in your implementation, or if this is simply a matter of numerical instability. It looks right to me, but I may very well have missed something (sort of hard to read.) If this is your first time with Runge–Kutta, I'd strongly suggest using an existing implementation rather than trying to get it right yourself. Numerical computation and avoiding floating-point issues can be quite challenging. You're already using scipy
— why not use their implementation of the R–K method, or related numerical integration solutions? have a look at scipy.integrate, for example. If nothing else, if the scipy
integrators can't solve your problem, at least you know more about what your challenges are.