I initialize my SockJs URL as
var protocols = ['xhr-polling', 'xdr-polling', 'xdr-streaming', 'xhr-streaming'];
var options = {protocols_whitelist: protocols, debug: true,server:tets};
_ws = new SockJS(url, null, options);
I want to send out a request parameter , for example somesite/sockjs/info?someparam=tets"
Is it possible? Documentation of SockJs refers that options is map which can have key value but i am not sure what key to use here.
I verified URL at server which SockJs sends over and it is
So in absence of request param its appending a null, seems there is a way to send over request param!
It's available in latest sock js client. Discussion here https://github.com/sockjs/sockjs-client/issues/72
we can pass query string along with the connection URL, same syntax as for any HTTP call