I'm experiencing strange behavior and I'm wondering if this is a bug or if I'm missing something.
The following code:
class Foo extends SpecificationWithJUnit {
"This test should pass" in new ctx {
Bar(Zoo("id")) must haveInstanceZoo
trait ctx extends Scope {
def haveInstanceZoo : Matcher[Bar] =
beAnInstanceOf[Zoo] ^^ { (_: Bar).z aka "instanceOfZoo" }
case class Bar(z: Zoo)
case class Zoo(id: String)
fails with the following Exception:
is not an instance of 'com.test.Zoo'
If I remove the "aka" from the custom matcher everything works.
Thanks Netta
You cannot use aka
like this because you are effectively trying to assert that an Expectation
, the object you create with aka
is an instance of Zoo
If you want to specify a different failure message on a matcher you can write this:
def haveInstanceZoo: Matcher[Bar] = (bar: Bar) =>
(bar.z.isInstanceOf[Zoo], "bar.z is not an instance of Zoo")