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Swift - MultipeerConnectivity Type does not conform to protocol

I am trying out this tutorial and having some problem with the code:

class MPCManager: NSObject, MCSessionDelegate, MCNearbyServiceBrowserDelegate, MCNearbyServiceAdvertiserDelegate {

I got an error:

Type 'MPCManager' does not comform to protocol 'MCSessionDelegate'

Type 'MPCManager' does not comform to protocol 'MCNearbyServiceBrowserDelegate'

Type 'MPCManager' does not comform to protocol 'MCNearbyServiceAdvertiserDelegate'

But I download the sample file it did not get the same error. Which part had I missed out?


  • You need to implement all the required delegate methods of MCSessionDelegate and MCNearbyServiceBrowserDelegate and MCNearbyServiceAdvertiserDelegate, if you want to conform to these protocols.