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Chronos does not run job

I have set up Mesos Cluster including Marathon & Chronos using Docker image for each service.

Docker images I am using are as follows;

ZooKeeper is running on port 2181, Mesos Master on 5050, Mesos Slave on 5051, marathon on 8088, and Chronos on 8080.

What I want to do is; Run Docker container on Marathon & Chronos.

Marathon successfully runs Docker containers as its Apps.

But Chronos doesn't runs any Jobs. Even if the Job is not with Docker.

Config for Chronos Job I tried to launch is;

    "schedule": "R/2015-05-28T10:16:30Z/PT2M",
    "name": "simplejob",
    "cpus": "0.5",
    "mem": "512",
    "command": "while sleep 10; do date -u %T; done"

Jobs are registered on Chronos but never be launched. enter image description here

My command for running Chronos container is as follows;

docker run -p 8080:8080 -e LIBPROCESS_PORT=5050 tomaskral/chronos:2.3.0-mesos0.21.0 --http_port 8080 --master zk://<master-hostname>:2181/mesos --zk_hosts zk://<master-hostname>:2181/mesos


  • Change --zk_hosts zk://<master-hostname>:2181/mesos in your Chronos command-line to --zk_hosts <master-hostname>:2181, since this is supposed to be a list of zk node:port pairs, so that Chronos can store its own state in a /chronos znode (as opposed to the /mesos znode, where Mesos stores its leading master info).