I am writing a java agent in domino designer, the task is to compare current DateTime with the list of Date-Times which are in the document.I am able to retrieve the current date and the date-times from the documents,code for to get current date-time I have used
Date date = new Date();
DateTime current = session.createDateTime(date);
System.out.println("Current Date-Time "+current);
code to get date time list from all the documents from the view is
View dead_line = db.getView("deadline_date");
ViewEntryCollection doc_collection = dead_line.getAllEntries();
for(int i=1;i<count+1;i++){
ViewEntry tempEntry = doc_collection.getNthEntry(i);
Document deadline_date = tempEntry.getDocument();
if(deadline_date.getItemValue("deadline_date")!=null && !deadline_date.getItemValue("deadline_date").isEmpty())
System.out.println("ALL Dead line dates "+deadline_date.getItemValue("deadline_date"));
In console I am getting the dates properly. console output
Current Date-Time 30/06/2015 02:08:26 PM ZE5B
ALL Dead line dates [29/06/2015 01:00:00 PM ZE5B]
ALL Dead line dates [30/06/2015 07:50:00 AM ZE5B]
How do I can compare current date with retrieved date is equal or not,
DateTime class has a setAnyTime() method to ignore the time portion and a timeDifferenceDouble(DateTime) method to compare two DateTimes. Alternatively, DateTime has a toJavaDate() method to convert to a java.util.Date, which has comparison methods.
OpenNTF Domino API extends the DateTime class to include equals(), equalsIgnoreTime() and (for completeness) equalsIgnoreDate() methods.