I need to convert a Timezone on Dynamics AX 2012 R3 to a TimeZoneInfo
on C#.
I'm doing this on my C# code. I get an int from Dynamics (Timezone enum).
I get the Timezone enum from table LogisticsPostalAddress
Are there any methods to convert it? I couldn't find much information on that and I'd really like to avoid creating a code that would do a from X to Y for every single possibility. Would I be able to use that Value provided at the referenced link? Thanks :)
It does not sound cool, but I think you will have to provide the mapping table yourself between the Timezone System Enumeration and the name valid to Instantiate a TimeZoneInfo Object.
The list of names should be quite static, but remember to catch TimeZoneNotFoundException
and InvalidTimeZoneException
when using FindSystemTimeZoneById.