My question is a two-parter.
I have an ArrayBuffer
of tuples (x,y)
. I have a tuple, (deltaX,deltaY)
, which can look like (-1,0)
(as an example) to designate the change to apply to all tuples of the ArrayBuffer
In Python it would be something like:
newBuffer = [(x+deltaX,y+deltaY) for x,y in oldBuffer]
Is there a way to check a conditional on all the items in the ArrayBuffer
? In my case I wish to ensure all coordinates are within bounds, so something like (to again use the Python equivalent):
if all(0<=x<xBound and 0<=y<yBound for x,y in buffer)
I can do all these things with lots of very long and annoying code but I am wondering if there is a smarter way.
The first one is a simple map
val (dx, dy) = (-1, 0)
val (xBound, yBound) = (4, 3)
val tuples = Array(1 -> 2, 2 -> 4, 3 -> 0) { case (x, y) => (x + dx, y + dy) }
And the second one is a use of exists
or forall
tuples.exists { case (x, y) => x >= xBound || y >= yBound }
tuples.forall { case (x, y) => x < xBound && y < yBound }
You might also want to use filter
and then check isEmpty
, or nonEmpty
tuples.filter { case (x, y) => x < xBound && y < yBound }.isEmpty
tuples.filter { case (x, y) => x >= xBound || y > yBound }.nonEmpty
Scala has many syntactic alternatives that you may come across. Here are some examples: => (tuple._1 + dx) -> (tuple._2 + dy))
tuples forAll { tuple =>
val (x, y) = tuple
x < xBound && y < yBound
tuples.filter(_._1 < xBound).filter(_._2 < yBound).isEmpty
for { (x, y) <- tuples } yield (x + dx, y + dy)
(for {
(x, y) <- tuples
if x < xBound
if y < yBound
} yield (x, y)).isEmpty