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Coldfusion 11 web service response object

I'm struggling to get CF11 to give me a web service response object with the same set of methods as CF8.

For example, one of the web services used to give me this in CF8:

Response Object returned by CF8

And this is what I'm getting now in CF11:

Response Object returned by CF11

As you can see, they are miles different!

I've tried to set wsversion="2", but didn't help at all:

<cfset wsArgs = {wsversion="2"}>
<cfset ws = createObject("webservice", "http://somewsurl.asmx?wsdl", wsArgs)>
<cfset nvArgs = { foo = "bar" }>
<cfset result = ws.createNameValues(argumentCollection = nvArgs)>

Same thing if I try wsversion="2" on cfinvoke:

<cfinvoke webservice="#ws#" method="createNameValues" argumentCollection="#nvArgs#" returnVariable="result" wsversion="2"/>

Any idea?

Note I'm getting basically the same issue on CF10.


  • ColdFusion 10 and 11 use Axis 2.0 by default, while previous versions of ColdFusion used Axis 1.0. If you depend on Axis 1.0 behavior in ColdFusion 10/11, specify wsversion=1 to force ColdFusion to use Axis 1.0.