I'm struggling to get CF11 to give me a web service response object with the same set of methods as CF8.
For example, one of the web services used to give me this in CF8:
And this is what I'm getting now in CF11:
As you can see, they are miles different!
I've tried to set wsversion="2", but didn't help at all:
<cfset wsArgs = {wsversion="2"}>
<cfset ws = createObject("webservice", "http://somewsurl.asmx?wsdl", wsArgs)>
<cfset nvArgs = { foo = "bar" }>
<cfset result = ws.createNameValues(argumentCollection = nvArgs)>
Same thing if I try wsversion="2" on cfinvoke:
<cfinvoke webservice="#ws#" method="createNameValues" argumentCollection="#nvArgs#" returnVariable="result" wsversion="2"/>
Any idea?
Note I'm getting basically the same issue on CF10.
ColdFusion 10 and 11 use Axis 2.0 by default, while previous versions of ColdFusion used Axis 1.0. If you depend on Axis 1.0 behavior in ColdFusion 10/11, specify wsversion=1
to force ColdFusion to use Axis 1.0.