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Move ConEmu prompt to new line following path?

ConEmu by default has a prompt which is like "${cwdfull}>" I'd like instead, "${cwdfull}\n> ". How do I customize this? I see it must be possible since cmdr which is based on ConEmu has it.

Thanks in advance!


  • ConEmu by default

    conemu -basic -cmd {cmd}

    has following prompt

    ConEmu default prompt

    You can easily check how it is created in Tasks and %ConEmuBaseDir%\CmdInit.cmd batch file. All "magic" is done by PROMPT variable. For example set PROMPT=$P$_$G.


    I really do not understand your question from the comment below. Default ConEmu task {cmd (Admin)} has the same prompt and its configuration is done by absolutely the same way.

    ConEmu 'cmd (Admin)' prompt