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How to extend a protocol that satisfies Multiple Constraints - Swift 2.0

I am trying to provide a default implementation of protocol so it can satisfy multiple constraints from other protocols.

Given the following protocols:

public protocol Creature {
    var name: String { get }
    var canMove: Bool { get }

public protocol Animal: Creature {}

public protocol Moveable {
    var movingSpeed: Double { get set }

public protocol Agend {
    var aged: Int { get }

I'm able to extend using a single condition on Self:

// all animals can move
extension Moveable where Self: Animal {
    public var canMove: Bool { return true }

But how do I set constraints to provide a default Moveable implementation for types that conform to both Animal and Aged protocols? Something like below? Or is there some "add" "or" option for the where clause?

// Pseudocode which doesn't work
extension Moveable where Self: Animal && Self: Aged {
    public var canMove: Bool { return true }


  • You could use a protocol composition:

    extension Moveable where Self: protocol<Animal, Aged> {
        // ... 

    Or just add the conformances one after the other:

    extension Moveable where Self: Animal, Self: Aged {
        // ... 