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Ignore specific comma in timestamp using LOAD DATA INFILE?

I've got a ton of CSV files that are all formated as such:


As you can probably see i need to ignore the comma that separates the "2015/06/29" and the "13:00" in the above example.

Currenly this is what my sql command looks like:

    LOAD DATA local INFILE '"!new!"' IGNORE into table db.table COLUMNS TERMINATED BY ',' IGNORE 3 LINES (@when,col2,col3,col4,col5) SET when=STR_TO_DATE(@when,'%Y/%m/%d %H:%i')" -u user -ppass

Everything imports with the exception of that pesky comma throwing everything off by one column.

Obviously I could import both into separate columns, but they all need to go into one DATETIME formatted column. Anybody have any idea how I would jump through that hoop?


  • You don't need to "ignore" the comma. Just import the two fields into two separate user-defined variables, and then concatenate those into a single value for the column.

    Put the date portion into a user-defined variable, just like you are already doing: @whendt

    Put put the second field, the time portion, into a second user-defined variable: @whentm

    In the SET clause, concatenate those two variables together with the CONCAT function.

      CONCAT(@whendt, ' ', @whentm)

    For example:

     LOAD DATA local INFILE '"!new!"' 
     INTO table db.table 
     ( @whendt    -- first column is date portion
     , @whentm    -- second column is time portion
     , col2
     , col3
     , col4
     , col5 
     SET when = STR_TO_DATE( CONCAT(@whendt,' ',@whentm) ,'%Y/%m/%d %H:%i')