I have using Quickblox framework for chatting purpose.login value set to each cell.row. but some values displaying "0" in cell.row. I have attached the below images and shows login as a number and name. Below code the variable "testDict" return null value sometime.
QBChatDialog *chatDialog = [ChatService shared].dialogs[idx];
NSDictionary *testDict=[ChatService shared].usersAsDictionary[@(chatDialog.recipientID)];
QBUUser *recipient = [ChatService shared].usersAsDictionary[@(chatDialog.recipientID)];
NSString *test=recipient.login == nil ? (recipient.fullName == nil ? [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%lu", (unsigned long)recipient.ID] : recipient.fullName) : recipient.login;
Finally i got the answer. just change the page:nil to page:[QBGeneralResponsePage responsePageWithCurrentPage:1 perPage:20]
only get the 20 userlist display now
self.getDialogsCompletionBlock = completionBlock;
[QBRequest dialogsWithSuccessBlock:^(QBResponse *response, NSArray *dialogObjects, NSSet *dialogsUsersIDs) {
self.dialogs = dialogObjects.mutableCopy;
[QBRequest usersWithIDs:[dialogsUsersIDs allObjects] page:nil
successBlock:^(QBResponse *response, QBGeneralResponsePage *page, NSArray *users) {
} errorBlock:nil];
} errorBlock:nil];