I have an issue with the FOSRest bundle and I am using Symfony 2.
My problem is that FOSRest adds a trailing s to post routes.
I have a function in my AccountBundle\settings controller
public function postAccountSettingsAction()
Now when I debug the routes it shows me
POST accounts/settings.{_format}
My routing looks as following
type: rest
resource: "........\Controller\SettingsController"
prefix: /v1
name_prefix: v1_
type: rest
resource: "........\Controller\SettingsController"
prefix: /v2
name_prefix: v2_
I don’t want to have accounts/settings but I want account/settings
So my question: is it possible to get rid of the trailing s
I don't think it's possible to configure that globally. There is a pull request on the repository of the project to add this functionality but it hasn't been merged yet.
You can still define your own URL on the controller, but you will loose the automatic route generation :
* @Post("/account/settings")
public function postAccountSettingsAction()