I am using Symfony 1.0, and I have this MyClassInc.class.php
in my project/lib
class MyClassInc {
public function validateFunction ($params) {
// my codes
static function testFunction ($params){
// my codes
Then, my action actions.class.php
in my project/apps/myapps/modules/actions
class inventoryCycleCountActions extends sfActions
public function validateOutstandingTransaction () {
$res0 = MyClassInc :: validateFunction($param); // It works
$res1 = MyClassInc :: testFunction($param); // It works
$myClass = new MyClassInc();
$res2 = $myClass->validateFunction($param); // still works
$res3 = $myClass->testFunction($param); // still works, da hell?
I tried to clear my cache folder to do re-test, but it seems that all of those work just fine.
Question: So.. WHY? and which one should I use? Does it have any effect with performance or anything?
Update 1:
class MyClassInc {
public function isProductValidated ($product){
return true;
public function validateFunction ($params) {
// IF, I call by using "$res0".. Throws error
If I call validateFunction via $res0, it will throw this error:
sfException: Call to undefined method inventoryCycleCountActions::isProductValidated.
And, if I call it via $res2, it works just fine.
Since, I am currently using $res0 and so I have to call that method like this instead.
MyClassInc :: isProductValidated ($product)
The only real difference between ::
and ->
is how $this
is handled. With ::
the function will have $this
as it was defined in the caller's scope:
class A {
public function foo() {
static private function bar() {
// $this here is the instance of A
static public function foobar() {
// Here you can have anything in $this (including NULL)
$a = new A;
$a->foobar(); // $this == $a but bad style
A::foobar(); // $this == NULL
When you want to use an instance method, you should use ->
because that would resolve instance methods properly (including inheritance). ::
will always call the method of the specified class.
I believe there is effort made now to enforce calling static methods only as statically and dynamic methods only dynamically to avoid the confusion.