I am using tfs
. I am happy about all, but the thing is I am not getting any icons like tortoise
svn do. how to make the icons to my folders/files.
here is tfs
view :
And the tortoise view :
See the commited
folders with green tick
icons. but in the tfs
there is nothing. how to update to icons
version of tfs
ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers Items
The problema may be related to the Windows limitation of 15 file extension icons.
You can read more about this problem here: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/youhana/archive/2012/01/09/why-am-i-not-seeing-the-icon-overlays-in-shell-extensions-tfs-power-tools.aspx
They recommend you to:
- Open the registry
- Goto:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\explorer \ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers
- Rename our icon overlays to 1TfsOverlayAdd , 2TfsOverlayEdit etc. to bump us up the list
- Restart the machine or kill explorer.exe and restart it
As they say in the post, this is a hacky solution, because it will lead other entries to the end of the list, thus stop working