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What pointer-related things don't work in Delphi XE8's mobile compilers?

Embarcadero's docwiki page LLVM-based Delphi Compilers lists several language changes in Delphi XE8. One of the bullets says:

Use of pointers is not supported by LLVM-based Delphi compilers.

What exactly does this mean in practice? Which pointer-related things that used to work in Delphi XE7, no longer work in Delphi XE8? I can't seem to find in-depth explanation on this on Embarcadero's web site. The page Migrating Delphi Code to Mobile from Desktop that's said to contain more information, does not mention the word "Pointer", for example.


  • Use of pointers is not supported by LLVM-based Delphi compilers.

    That has to be an error in the documentation. Just take a look at the RTL. It is thick with the use of pointers.

    For instance, how about CompareMem. It is defined like this:

    function CompareMem(P1, P2: Pointer; Length: Integer): Boolean;

    And the implementation runs like this:

    function CompareMem(P1, P2: Pointer; Length: Integer): Boolean;
    {$IF defined(POSIX)}
      if Length <= 0 then
        Result := True
        Result := memcmp(P1^, P2^, Length) = 0;
    {$ELSEIF defined(PUREPASCAL)}

    The POSIX code is used by the mobile targets.

    Or how about TObject which looks like this:

      TObject = class
        constructor Create;
        procedure Free;
        procedure DisposeOf; {$IFNDEF AUTOREFCOUNT} inline; {$ENDIF}
        class function InitInstance(Instance: Pointer): TObject {$IFDEF AUTOREFCOUNT} unsafe {$ENDIF};
        procedure CleanupInstance;
        function ClassType: TClass; inline;
        class function ClassName: string;
        class function ClassNameIs(const Name: string): Boolean;
        class function ClassParent: TClass;
        class function ClassInfo: Pointer; inline;
        class function InstanceSize: Integer; inline;
        class function InheritsFrom(AClass: TClass): Boolean;
        class function MethodAddress(const Name: _ShortStr): Pointer; overload;
        class function MethodAddress(const Name: string): Pointer; overload;
        class function MethodName(Address: Pointer): string;
        class function QualifiedClassName: string;
        function FieldAddress(const Name: _ShortStr): Pointer; overload;
        function FieldAddress(const Name: string): Pointer; overload;
        function GetInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): Boolean;
        class function GetInterfaceEntry(const IID: TGUID): PInterfaceEntry;
        class function GetInterfaceTable: PInterfaceTable;
        class function UnitName: string;
        class function UnitScope: string;
        function __ObjAddRef: Integer; virtual;
        function __ObjRelease: Integer; virtual;
        function Equals(Obj: TObject): Boolean; virtual;
        function GetHashCode: Integer; virtual;
        function ToString: string; virtual;
        function SafeCallException(ExceptObject: TObject;
          ExceptAddr: Pointer): HResult; virtual;
        procedure AfterConstruction; virtual;
        procedure BeforeDestruction; virtual;
        procedure Dispatch(var Message); virtual;
        procedure DefaultHandler(var Message); virtual;
        class function NewInstance: TObject {$IFDEF AUTOREFCOUNT} unsafe {$ENDIF}; virtual;
        procedure FreeInstance; virtual;
        destructor Destroy; virtual;
        procedure CPP_ABI_1; virtual;
        procedure CPP_ABI_2; virtual;
        procedure CPP_ABI_3; virtual;
        function GetDisposed: Boolean; inline;
        procedure CheckDisposed; {$IFNDEF AUTOREFCOUNT} inline; {$ENDIF}
      private const
        objDestroyingFlag = Integer($80000000);
        objDisposedFlag = Integer($40000000);
        [Volatile] FRefCount: Integer;
        class procedure __MarkDestroying(const Obj); static; inline;
        class function __SetDisposed(const Obj): Boolean; static; inline;
        property RefCount: Integer read FRefCount;
        property Disposed: Boolean read GetDisposed;

    It's pretty clear that pointers are used here on mobile platforms.

    Have a read of the Embarcadero whitepaper on the subject: The Delphi Language for Mobile Development. Again it covers the use of pointers on multiple occasions and it is clear that they are supported. Now, it's also true that the use of pointers is discouraged and if pointers can readily be avoided then your are encouraged to do so. But that's quite different from stating that pointers are not supported by the compilers.

    It seems at the very least to be mildly ironic that Embarcadero are spreading FUD of their own products.