Search code examples

How to put 'And' clause to many-to-many

can you help me out again ?

Got 2 tables! here:

ID             |          Name
1                         X Product
2                         Y Product
3                         Z Product

ID             |          Name
1                         X Filter
2                         Y Filter
3                         Z Filter

Product_ID     |          Filter_ID
1                         1
1                         2
2                         1
2                         2
2                         3
3                         3

This pivot table contains:

X Product has X Filter and Y Filter

Y Product has X Filter and and Y Filter and Z Filter

Z Product has Z Filter

I have this sql code which I can get X and Y Product by defining X Filter's ID.

SELECT DISTINCT `products`.* 
FROM `products` 
  JOIN `filters` ON `products`.`id` = `filters`.`id` 
WHERE `product_filter`.`filter_id` = 1;

What if I want to get products only contains X Filter and Z Filter ? like putting and clause like this but it doesn't work of course.:

WHERE `product_filter`.`filter_id` = 1 
  and 'product_filter'.'filter_id' = 69;


  • You need to use group by and having count while matching 2 criteria at the same time on a single column something as

    p.* from Products p
    join Product_Filter pf on pf.Product_ID = p.ID
    join Filters f on f.ID = pf.Filter_ID
    where pf.filter_id in (1,69)
    group by p.ID
    having count(*) = 2 