<openr><title><num aid:pstyle="_CN">1</num></title></openr>
<media.block id="fig001"><media type="image"/><caption aid:pstyle="Caption"><num>FIG. 1.1 </num><para><txt>some text</txt></para></caption></media.block>
<media.block id="fig002"><media type="image"/><caption aid:pstyle="Caption"><num>FIG. 1.2 </num><para><txt>some text</txt></para></caption></media.block>
I need to extract the count of <media.block
(to get the no.of figures in a document) and the content of <num aid:pstyle="_CN">1</num>
(here ans=1).
I don't know how to access XML element using extendscript. Atleast a hint would be more than enough
This can be done in a lot of ways. One is as simple as using the built-in XML object in Javascript:
xmlFile = File ('/test.xml');
var myString = xmlFile.read();
myXml = new XML ();
myXml = XML(myString);
media_block = myXml.xpath("//media.block");
alert (media_block.length());