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Locating WebElements using XPATH (NoSuchElementException)

I am having problems with locating elements using xpath while trying to write automated webUI tests with Arquillian Drone + Graphene. To figure things out I tried to locate the search-button on the google homepage. Even that I am not getting done. Neither with an absolute or a relative xpath.

However, I am able to locate elements using IDs or when the xpath string has an ID in it. But only when the ID is a real ID and is not generated. For example on google homepage: The google-logo has a real ID "hplogo". I can locate this element by using directly the ID or the ID within the xpath-expression.

Why is locating the google logo using the ID "hplogo" possible but it fails while using the absolute xpath "/html/body/div[1]/div[5]/span/center/div[1]/div/div"? I am really confused. What am I doing wrong? Any help is appreciated!


WebElement e = browser.findElement(By.xpath("/html/body/div[1]/div[5]/span/center/div[1]/div/div")); is causing a NoSuchElementException.


  • Your expression works on Firefox, but on webkit-based browser (e.g., chrome) the rendered DOM is a bit different. Maybe it depends on localization ( for me). If I force on the image logo for me is: /html/body/div/div[5]/span/center/div[1]/img on firefox 37 and /html/body/div/div[6]/span/center/div[1]/img on Chome 42.

    EDIT: After discussing in chat, we figure out that HTMLUNIT is indeed creating a DOM that is different from the one real browsers render. Suggested to migrate to FirefoxDriver